How to Pick the Right Rangefinder for Hunting or Shooting

Determining how your laser rangefinder will be used is the first step in ensuring that you choose the most useful model for your application. There are rangefinders that can be used for hunting, golf, or surveying. This article will deal mainly with golf and hunting rangefinders.

When a rangefinder reads the first object in its line of view and ignores further objects, the rangefinder is said to be in a first priority mode. It is in a second priority mode if it ignores the first object but sees beyond it to another object.

Priority Differences

The First Priority Rangefinder is extremely useful on the course. If the flag isn't hidden, there is usually nothing between you and it. All rangefinders have the first priority mode. If you want to range on the flag that is maybe 100 yards away, it will read 100, and not, say, 130, which may be the trees in back of the flag.

Second priority rangefinders are more useful for hunting. The second priority rangefinder, as described in the previous paragraph, would read the trees at 130 meters and ignore the flag 30 miles closer. In hunting situations you are often in a blind or screened somewhat by limbs or leaves. A hunting rangefinder, or second priority rangefinder would ignore the first object in its line of view such as the branches, and read the most distant object, which may be a deer.

You can use a rangefinder (first priority), for hunting. Absolutely. Can you use a hunting rangefinder (second priority) for golf? Certainly. The product that is most appropriate for your purpose will be easier to use and won't require multiple readings or switching modes in order to determine the distance. Some laser rangefinders allow you to switch between second priority modes temporarily using a "bullseye", "pinpoint" button, or semi-permanently by switching priorities semi-permanently.


Rangefinders are sold and marketed under names that imply the maximum readable distance capable with that unit. This causes the most common misconception that consumers have with these units. One unit might be described as a 1500 yard rangefinder. However, it is only possible under ideal atmospheric conditions and reflective large surfaces.

You may be able, for instance, to range a smooth, white metal pole barn at 1500 feet without too much glare, air pollution, heat waves, and heat waves, even if there is a lot more glare. If you add sun, rain, snow, heat mirage, or reduce the target's size, or darken or increase the color or This Site texture, then NO! You may see hundreds of yards less. In perfect conditions you may see your pole barn at 1500 yards, a dark rocky hill at an oblique angle at 1100 yards, a huge truck at 900 yards, a tree at 700 yards, and a deer at 450 and a flag on the green at even less. Most times a deer may be read at around one third of the maximum stated range, and almost always well under half the distance. Make sure to check the specifications of your manufacturer.

Reticles and Aiming points

A reticle is the crosshair (or aiming point or circle) you see when looking through your rangefinder. Some reticles are made of black lines that you superimpose over the object you want to range. These reticles are often impossible to distinguish against a dark background, or in low light conditions such as shadows. Some reticles, or aiming points, appear illuminated due to LED lights. The brightness of these LEDs is invariably adjustable. There are two problems with LED reticles: in bright light they can be drowned by the ambient lighting so they are difficult to see. In the evening when your eyes adjust to nighttime, the reticles (or circles) are bright enough that they ruin your night vision, even at the lowest settings. You are not able to see past the bright reticle. The aforementioned issues with reticles also pertain to other information within your viewing screen such as yardage numbers and modes.

A black reticle with information and a button for lighting is my choice. The backlighting is much less intense than in an LED, and gives you the capability to view your information in all light conditions.

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